Sunday, November 29, 2009

nuclear disarmament what has happened

summary: nuclear disarmament started during the cold war because of the chance of a nuclear war so they made a group that tried to stop anyone from making any new nuclear weapons but this group failed then at the beginning of the 60s a new group was made this group worked more on telling everyone about nuclear fallout and nuclear testing. Once their was a temporary stop of nuclear testing they stop thinking about making weapons but started nuclear power plants, then in 1980 they started another act for nuclear disarmament in the 1980s

Reflection: So 20 years ago are government all ways keep stopping nuclear weapons being made but now we are doing almost everything but nuclear weapons. now we are using nuclear power plants and nuclear engines but we still are using nuclear materials and people don't like that

Evidence: their have been 11 treaties against nuclear disarmament since 1963 and the one that stops nuclear testing is called compressive test ban treaty, then the one that stopped long range missiles is intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

what should you do?

Summary: Their is nuclear factory's, nuclear testing sites, and nuclear armory's. these all have the same problem which is they have nuclear weapons or use nuclear materials. how can you solve this their is where you can try and tell the company that owns those areas, or you can try to tell your government that their shouldn't be any nuclear test sites and we don't have to make them anymore. What you should do is tell others because then people are aware of what can happen with nukes.

Reflection: I think the easiest way to not have anymore nukes is just saying we don't need this many all we need is one and why keep testing them when it's a waste of are materials. then everyone sees why we don't need the nukes or anything with nuclear energy at all. I'm against nuclear weapons and i think the way to see results are to have meets and see how everyone feels about nukes.

Evidence: would be from my other post where kids went to a meeting with the CIF and then they shut down 2 nuclear testing sites which i thought was something that would have made me proud if i was part of that meeting.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

nuclear missile test north korea

Summary: North Korea is telling the world that they are doing nuclear missile tests that are as powerful as the one used to destroy Hiroshima. This is something that is risking international issues that are scaring people of all countries. North Korea is doing a lot of nuclear/ballistic missile tests now almost every other month which is effecting the culture of the US and its allies. President Obama is talking to Americans about North Korea and its nuclear testing which is affecting the countries that have nuclear weapons, and the countries near North Korea.

Reflection: I think that North Korea is dangerous to everyone, people should be aware of what they are doing and how it will affect everyone that can hear about their nuclear habits. They are 2 things I can think of that North Korea is doing. Number one is they are doing nuclear missile tests and two they are telling the world they are test nuclear missiles and how powerful the missiles are.

Evidence: "We have successfully conducted another nuclear test on May 25 part of the republic's measures to strengthen it's nuclear deterrent".
McCurry Justin, Branigan Tania, North Korea tests nuclear weapon as powerful as Hiroshima bomb

nuclear disarmament russian high schools

summary: spring of 2009 their was a CIF conference talking about nuclear disarmament where a high school was able to join the conference, so then the kids would help by giving their opinions. this meeting made 10 nuclear work sites stop so this meeting with kids made a difference and this high school students and their teachers made a difference which made that kids feel better that their voices were actually heard.

Reflection: i think that these kids did a great thing because high school students helped get rid of some nuclear equipment sites but it only took one meeting to do this which i think is a huge accomplishment for this high school students.

evidence: Toki Masako A World free from nuclear weapons for the next generation

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

what is nuclear disarmament

summary: nuclear disarmament is trying to get the military to stop using anything nuclear first then anything else that is nuclear. people want anything nuclear gonna because of what the atomic bomb did in 1945. that was 64 years ago and that is to much for people to use something that is more powerful then they can fix

reflection: i see what they mean when they don't want to use that kind of weapon but it is important to be able to fight back or just have a weapon like that so people don't use theirs, their should have never been weapons made that could destroy city's by only being used once i think but someone thought it should be made or it would have never been used or invented.

evidence: unknown Disarmament nuclear

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Real Story about Nuclear Disarmament

summary: Susan Johnson tells a story about how she leaves Gaza and that no one wanted to leave because they felt attached to Gaza but in her meeting with others she say's how it is worse then working in prison, saying it is so bad and saying i get why we never knew about this but she talks like she never wants to leave a cruel area. she says it is worse becuase no one gets along with each other.

Reflaction: I think that becuase of nuclear Disarmament that people are mean and cruel to others and never get along with another person. Then because people go to this place named Gaza and try to make nuclear disarmament better and then they see what it is like for people to try and get rid of nukes, but it just makes it worse it seems like they should and try to fix the people before their problems.

Weiss Phillip nuclear Disarmament party

India abandons global nuclear disarmament

Summary: India has many nuclear weapons and they have now stopped with their nuclear disarmament. they had a speech from Praful Bidwai which keep saying we are done with nuclear disarmament and we need this for are new global consensus, But america is having them decide between have nuclear technology or oil from pakistan.

reflection: i think india deciding not to stay with nuclear disarmament is something that we scare some of the countries near them, but i know it is something that is between them and their choices but it would be better if they weren't using a lot of nuclear material.

Evidence "India will now be "part of" a "new global consensus on non-proliferation." said by Shyam Saran. this show everyone that they won't get id of their nukes which is something they only tried getting rid of for 18 months but then gave a speech saying they won't because they want to do a global concept.

Bidwai Praful India Abandons Global Nuclear Disarmament