Tuesday, November 17, 2009

what should you do?

Summary: Their is nuclear factory's, nuclear testing sites, and nuclear armory's. these all have the same problem which is they have nuclear weapons or use nuclear materials. how can you solve this their is where you can try and tell the company that owns those areas, or you can try to tell your government that their shouldn't be any nuclear test sites and we don't have to make them anymore. What you should do is tell others because then people are aware of what can happen with nukes.

Reflection: I think the easiest way to not have anymore nukes is just saying we don't need this many all we need is one and why keep testing them when it's a waste of are materials. then everyone sees why we don't need the nukes or anything with nuclear energy at all. I'm against nuclear weapons and i think the way to see results are to have meets and see how everyone feels about nukes.

Evidence: would be from my other post where kids went to a meeting with the CIF and then they shut down 2 nuclear testing sites which i thought was something that would have made me proud if i was part of that meeting.

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