Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hello America #4

Quote #1 Hello? " My heart beats so loud I can barely hear my own voice." Hello?" pg 165 said by Elli
This is important because it shows she is tired and scared at night. When someone calls her on the phone no one is there and she is scared. This is important because it shows us she is getting kind of scared in America. My connection is sometimes when I'm home alone and the phone rings and I pick it up sometimes nobody is there and I get scared of what happened. Then I kind of not like answer the phone after that until like someone comes home.
Question #1 Has anyone ever called your house and nobody was there and how did you feel after that happened?
Quote #2 " It's nothing short of a miracle!" pg 172 by Aunt Celia
This is a miracle to Elli's mom and aunt because they needed a new place to live because one they didn't have that much room and 2 they needed a better place then were they were living.
Then with a new house comes a new life for Elli and her mom. My connection is that when I moved to San Diego I met new people and came to a new school. Then it gave me a new life and a new place to explore.
Question #2 Have you ever moved to a new place and if you have tell me more about how it was when you came to that new place?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

hello america #3

quote # 1 Their are Jewish day schools where Hebrew is taught in the morning. said by Bubi PG#125
this is going to have Elli go to school and then she is going to get a education. Then it can help Elli get a better job. i think this is a really good think for Elli to do because then she can get a education and get a job. With her choosing to go to school she might just be able to get her and her mom to be able to live in a better Question have you or your family had a hard time getting into school.
Quote#2 This number was put on my arm in Auschwitz by people like you. sayed by Elli pg # 146 This is important because it does show that she still remembers this and she can't forget what happened in Germany. i think that she really proved a point to that women say you aren't Jewish but you are German because this woman doesn't know what Jews went thought in Germany. My personal connection is that a long time ago i was brothered by what that person said and i yelled back to like Elli but i wasn't as angry. My question is that have anyone ever been really offended by what someone said about you?

Friday, February 20, 2009

blog #2 hello america

Where did you leave your shopping cart, on the street, what did you except, what did i except. pg#46 shop manager this is important to Elli's life because it makes shows them what to look out for in America. then Elli and her mom can't do what they did in Europe. then it rates to the question above because it shows their already starting a hard life in America. this connects to me because i have had something stolen from my once. Then i have had to change what i did. My question is that has anything ever been stolen from you and if you have what is it.
They are finding out that in the new world or America that not everyone is that nice.
i have no room to move... no room to breathe... no air in this wagon. this is important because this is how Ellis life is going to be for years and it might not get beater until they have their own wagon. Then this is how it's going to be no matter where they are. My connection with this is that every time i go camping i have to be with other people and my gear and it is hard to move. My question is have you ever been stuck in a car/wagon and not been able to move.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

field trip reflection

Part#1 The purpose of the first museum was to learn about the Jews that came to America over 350 years ago and how they were treated how many were their and saying they couldn't do anything because they were Jewish. One thing I found interesting is that Jews couldn't go into office because they had to be sworn in over the Christian bible. Then in 1825 they made a bill called the Jew Bill so Jews could go into office.

Part#2 1The photo I choose was Chinatown and what I saw was two little girls and a men with a sword and a man with a food cart. This was interesting because it just popped into my head and it was hard for me to forget it.
2 My quote is how some immigrants come to Chicago and they are looking around and they stop on the freeway to look at the sky and where they live.
3 The essay I choose was about a Mexican girl that came to America in search of a new life and she's saying how shes going to try her best to keep America a good place and try to make her life well.

blog #1 hello america

What was the journey like coming to America for Elli?
Quote: "God almighty, you've got it bad! Poor devil, right at the start." Quote by captain McGregor, pg #10.
will I ever see u again. pg#16 elli
Elli's journey to America was diffcult becuse she was seasick the entire time on the boat and it never stopped for her. Elli had to stay in a special room where she wasn't seasick as much.
Even though Elli was seasick most of the trip, she was still able to walk around the boat looking at new scenes she hadn't seen before.
I have gone on boats my whole life since my family owns a large boat for fishing. I have never gotten seasick but I have seen a lot of scenes that Elli has experienced. One thing that we have in common is that we have both been on a boat for long periods of time.
question for my group: Have you ever gotten seasick on a boat before like Elli?
question for my group: do u think Elli is going to see him again