Saturday, February 14, 2009

blog #1 hello america

What was the journey like coming to America for Elli?
Quote: "God almighty, you've got it bad! Poor devil, right at the start." Quote by captain McGregor, pg #10.
will I ever see u again. pg#16 elli
Elli's journey to America was diffcult becuse she was seasick the entire time on the boat and it never stopped for her. Elli had to stay in a special room where she wasn't seasick as much.
Even though Elli was seasick most of the trip, she was still able to walk around the boat looking at new scenes she hadn't seen before.
I have gone on boats my whole life since my family owns a large boat for fishing. I have never gotten seasick but I have seen a lot of scenes that Elli has experienced. One thing that we have in common is that we have both been on a boat for long periods of time.
question for my group: Have you ever gotten seasick on a boat before like Elli?
question for my group: do u think Elli is going to see him again


Anonymous said...

Quote #1: I liked the way you described the how Elli had to stay in a special room because of her sea sickness. You used very interesting settings to talk about in your significance. I liked the way that you talked about your connection with the boat and how you had never been sea sick.

Question #1: I have never been sea sick though I have been on a boat many times before in my life. I just din't get sick on a boat I think the rocking feels relaxing.


Note: Dan, you didn't have a second quote or question.

kat said...

Quote #1: I like the quote that you chose and the way that you anylyzed it and showed that the quote had meaning behind it. I think that it was good that you added your own experiences so the situation seemed more realistic.
Answer #1: I have only been seasick once. That was in Hawaii and I was on a day cruise with my family. It was a experience that I did not enjoy and I had to close my eyes for a while. Besides that I have not been seasick.
-Katherine G.

P.S You should add a question and second quote

Anonymous said...

Question #2: I don't think she will ever see the captain again unless she ends up traveling back to Europe on the same boat. Anything is possible.