Monday, March 9, 2009

hello #6

Hello America
Quote#1" I promised mom I would be back with in the hour. I'm afraid it's past the deadline. I must get home." pg#168-169 Said by Elli.
Significance How do Americans treat Elli? I choose this quote and I think it relates to this question because it shows that Elli's mom doesn't want her to get hurt so she wants her to come back at the curfew. This is important to Elli's mom because she knows she is safe and can help her when she comes home. Elli shows she is true to her word by coming home at the time she said she would and that she follows her mom's directions. Elli can be trusted and that is impotant to her and mother.
Personal connection My connection to this is that my parents want me home to at a certain time because I can help them with work around the house or be with my family for meal time. Then when I do come home on time they know I'm safe and that I'm not hurt.
Question My question is have you ever had a curfew and not came on time and got in trouble?
Quote#2 "To a new life in America!" pg#176 said by Elli's mother
Significance Why have Elli and her mom come to America? This quote I think really relates to that question because it shows what they went through to have a new life. In that one quote it shows that Elli and her mom came to America lived in America and got a new home in America for a new life. This Quote shows that even though Elli and her mom went through bad times they now have better lives and will be able to try new things.
Personal connection My personal connection is when I came to HTM, I got a new life and I learned new things. I met new people and I tried new things at my new school.
Question Was there a time in your life when you got something that changed your life and if you did, tell me what it was?


kat said...

Quote #1: I agree that Elli might be worried with that her mother might get worried about her. I think that especially because they are new to the country Elli and her mother keep their safety a top priority.

Question: I do not really have a curfew for many reasons. My parent usually drive me places so they drive me home, which makes me not really need a curfew. When I out with friends though, I usually have to be home by 9 or so.

Quote #2: I like the quote you chose for many reasons. I think that it was a good way to compare how there life was when they first came to America, and then when they were more accustomed to American traditions.

Question: When I came to San Diego, a big change went with coming here for me. I was nervous and scared when I went to my first day of elementary school, but I made friends and ended up loving San Diego.

Anonymous said...

Quote #1: I agree that Elli's mom is worried about her. For the many reasons she comes home on time. You had a good description showing why that is a very good way to start off her life in America.

Question #1: I have never missed a cerfew I always come home on time because I know it is important to my mom to know that I am safe.

Quote #2: Good explaination about the quote. I like the way you described it. Also the way you were able to back it up.

Question #2: I have moved schools too and tried different things. This has happened all throughout my life. One of the main things in meeting new people because most of them have changed my life.