Friday, February 20, 2009

blog #2 hello america

Where did you leave your shopping cart, on the street, what did you except, what did i except. pg#46 shop manager this is important to Elli's life because it makes shows them what to look out for in America. then Elli and her mom can't do what they did in Europe. then it rates to the question above because it shows their already starting a hard life in America. this connects to me because i have had something stolen from my once. Then i have had to change what i did. My question is that has anything ever been stolen from you and if you have what is it.
They are finding out that in the new world or America that not everyone is that nice.
i have no room to move... no room to breathe... no air in this wagon. this is important because this is how Ellis life is going to be for years and it might not get beater until they have their own wagon. Then this is how it's going to be no matter where they are. My connection with this is that every time i go camping i have to be with other people and my gear and it is hard to move. My question is have you ever been stuck in a car/wagon and not been able to move.


kat said...

Quote #1: I agree that this showed Elli and her mother how life was in America. Elli and her mother must have not been used to the fact that if you leave something out then it might get stolen. I think that it is a good learning experience though.
Answer #1: Nothing of mine has been stolen that I can remember of. If something has it was probably something that I was not very fond of but I am pretty sure that nothing of mine has been stolen.
- Katherine
P.S You should label the questions and quotes in a clearer way. If you look on Ms. Abbassi's blog ( The correct guidelines are on them

P.P.S Do you have a second quote?

Anonymous said...

Quote #1: I like the way you described the stolen cart and how Elli might have felt.

Question #1: nothing has ever been stolen from me but I am sure in the future that I will go through it some time.

Quote #2: I like this quote because I could really feel the emotion behind it.

Quention #2: I have been stuck in a trolley and in an airplane and it probably felt the same as Elli.

Ben said...

quote#1 i like how you, like Taylor said, describe the stolen cart, and i see why Elli and her mother left their cart. they were used to people leaving other people stuff alone, and they didn't know that people in America did thing in a different ways.
Question #1
some stuff has been stolen from me, but it was my little brother who took the stuff away from me, and i got it back