Wednesday, February 25, 2009

hello america #3

quote # 1 Their are Jewish day schools where Hebrew is taught in the morning. said by Bubi PG#125
this is going to have Elli go to school and then she is going to get a education. Then it can help Elli get a better job. i think this is a really good think for Elli to do because then she can get a education and get a job. With her choosing to go to school she might just be able to get her and her mom to be able to live in a better Question have you or your family had a hard time getting into school.
Quote#2 This number was put on my arm in Auschwitz by people like you. sayed by Elli pg # 146 This is important because it does show that she still remembers this and she can't forget what happened in Germany. i think that she really proved a point to that women say you aren't Jewish but you are German because this woman doesn't know what Jews went thought in Germany. My personal connection is that a long time ago i was brothered by what that person said and i yelled back to like Elli but i wasn't as angry. My question is that have anyone ever been really offended by what someone said about you?


Anonymous said...

Quote #1: I like the way you described how going to school could help her in the future. Also the way that she can go to a school where they teach Hebrew in the mornings.

Question #1: I don't think I have had trouble getting into a school before but I have been to several differnt schools in my life.

Quote #2: In your significance I like the way that you described how no one had known what she had went through in Auswitch. The way that you described your connection was interesting too.

Queation #2: Yes, I have been offended before mostly it was from dumb blonde jokes but I know now that they aren't true.

Anonymous said...

NOTE: Make sure that you capitalize all of your "i"s because the program doesn't do it for you!

kat said...

Quote #1: I agree with your view of this quote. I believe that Elli will get a better education because of this. I think that Elli, because of the school she will learn more about her culture.
Question #1: My family (from what I know) has never had problems getting me into school. I have been to many schools before though in many different parts of the world.

Quote #2: I think that you really understood the significance of this quote and knew how Elli felt.
Question #2: I have never been offended from anyone personally though i have seen other being offended.
- Kat