Wednesday, May 27, 2009

journal #7 chapter20-24 from perpestive of Dill

I was crying then some one called me i turn around and there was Dolphus Raymond he said i have something that can settle your stomach scout looked like i should have said no but i did anyway i have a sip and it was coca cola. Then i told scout and she didn't believe me so she had a sip and said ya it is.Then he told us he wants to be called a town drunk because of the way he lives. then i said we need to get back to the court room to see what was happening. Then we got back to are sits and then we asked what happened and it was that we missed almost everything. so i watched and i noticed that attics was questioning the jury it went on so then after that happened the jury went back to deliberate then Cal came in then she had a envelope then she gave it to attics and it said that they didn't know where the kids are and Mr Underwood said their up on the balcony with the colored folks. then Jem and scout looked like they were going to cry. We went down and atticus talked to us and he sayed go home and eat but scout asked but i want to hear what is going to be the verdict but atticus replied i think it's going to be a long time. so we went back to scouts house then we came back after a hour and we still got are sits but the jury never came out i thought wow this is serious. so i looked around didn't look like much was going on but Jem was looking around then he came back and so did the jury they passed around the verdict in a envelope and when it got to the judge he read guilty guilty guilty. Jem looked like he was shocked so much he was going to get sick. Then i watched atticus leave then followed Jem and scout. we got back to their house then i went to aunt Rachel's then went to bed and hoped for a new day. When i woke up i went over to scout and jems house to see what they thought of last night Jem didn't change scout was a little better then we talked with miss Maudie and Mr Avery and they were saying that it wasn't right what they did to tom. then ms Maudie had a piece of cake for us so she gave us some then went out and we heard that we should go in the house we asked why she said because Mr Ewell spit in atticus's fave and said he was going to kill him. so i was told to go in my aunts house and Jem and scout went in theirs i heard a lot of noise coming from their house when i looked over every time i saw Atticus, Jem, and Scout. i think it was from atticus to protect him self more but i heard nothing more so i went to sleep then i went with Jem to learn how to swim.

Friday, May 22, 2009

journal #6 16-19 prestive of Tom robinson

I take my sit and then Mr atticus called up Mr Heck Tate to the stand. Then the prosecutor was asking him questions but i didn't really understand most of them like why did it matter if she washed here face in a bucket then other questions just i didn't understand what was said. then some yes and questions went by for a while. Then they talked about did they call a doctor and why not it was one thing that was mentioned a lot in the time heck Tate was up at the stand. then atticus was asking what was the injures and when everything that was said made me feel even worse then i already did for her.But he injures hurt me by hearing everything that was said i felt like i felt what happen to her happen to me. When that was all over the damage i felt, every thing that I barely understands.Then Mr. Ewell went up on the stand and talked I think that he was disrespecting Mr atticus but i don't think that Mr. Ewell even understands what Mr atticus was saying but his answers were really rube i think. then Mr atticus was asking him about if he could read or write but he keeped saying yes then Mr atticus said can you show us then he got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote his name left handed. then they had a short talk about that for a while then he was excused then miss mayella went on the stand and see looked really angry at atticus it was really weird then she yelled at him saying her father wasn't a bad man he just wrote left handed i thought she thought Mr atticus was say her father was a bad man because he was left handed then she yelled at him because he called her miss Mayella I thought she was going to cry for a long time with all the tears that dropped it looked like she made a river out of all of it. I think she prejudice atticus way to soon. I think everything that she said was irrelevant to what we were doing about the case. I think she was thinking she was stealthy or something by crying she could get away with what happen. I had a predicament Mayella was going to say i raped her and beat her and that she won't tell what really happen so after ever thing was said i was told to stand up by Mr Atticus. to show everyone i was crippled in my left arm. After everyone saw i was crippled i was asked to the stand to tell my story and when i was told to rise my left arm for the oath i had trouble so the judge said good enough. then i gave my oath and took my sit. then i told my story how Mayella has asked me many times to help her and then on Nov 21 i was asked to help her with her door but i didn't see anything wrong with it then she said a screw driver was on the ledge so i stood on a chair and got on top then she grabbed me an- and Then Mr Atticus interrupted then said i was under oath then i finished then said she kissed me. then everyone in the court room wasn't quiet for while. then i started again then said when she stopped kissing me i freaked out and i say her dad he sayed he gonna kill her suh i then i went running didn't look back. That's all suh. Then Mr Gilmer's went up to question me. He talked to me bad but I'm ok it's not the first so he questioned me then i said i felt bad for her then everyone went crazy. i tried to fix what i said but it was too late to fix. so then i see this white boy crying terrible i heard it from the balcony's but he went down and out and a recess happened once the questioning was over.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

journal #5- Chapters 13-15 from the perspective of Cal

when me Jem and scout got back from church Ms. Alexandra was there but she was not kind to me the first thing she said was get my bags cal so i did even thought it was rude. Even thought she was rude Jem came and helped me carry her bags i felt so relived. Then see yelled at scout not to do this that for the next couple of hours. Then the next day I heard Atticus and Alexandra yelling at each other about me i was worried so i started to listen Alexandra was saying they didn't need me but then Atticus should I'm family and they needed more then even, i was so happy i felt like no one could make me feel bad for today. When night came scout said their was something under the bed so i went got a broom she came back and said it was a snake so when i got to the room i sweeped the floor under the bed and their was nothing so i went deeper under the bed and something grunted to it came out and it was dill he looked really hungry so i went and got food for him and i came back with a piece of bread and left then i got Atticus and i brought him to scouts room and they had a talk after i left to go home and i came back that morning and it looks like after i left a lot of people came to see Atticus so when i talked more about it i learned it was about Tom Robinson so he had to leave to go help him in front of the jail house. Then it looked like a fight was going on but Atticus said something then the crowed went and left in thier cars and i talked to Atticus and it look like he was protecting tom Robinson.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

journal #4- Chapters 10-12 from the perspective of Jem

When I woke up I thought what does Atticus do and their was really nothing then his job and he reads when he gets home so I emerge from bed and scout was already awake and she was thinking the same so we went to miss Maudies house to talk about the stuff Atticus does and she says he was a great checkers player but scout said we all ways beat him. Then she says he lets you win. then me and scout goes back to are house to get the air rifles to go explore behind the radley house and 600 hundred yards out I see something so I crouch down and look. Then scout asks what is it and I say it looks like Tim Johnson the dog and he looks hurt. Then when me and scout got back to are house we told Cal about Tim Johnson the dog and she keep saying she can't fix a dogs foot but I said no he looks sick so we went and found him again she said hurry get back to the house and it was mad dog or something I didn't understand that fast so Cal started calling the sheriff and all the nebors but the radleys didn't have a phone so Cal went and yelled but I don't think anyone heard. Then she came back and stayed with us. sometime later Atticus and the sheriff got to the house but the sheriff didn't know how to shoot so he gave his rifle to Atticus but they got in a argument but the sheriff shoved Atticus with the gun into the street and then he was aiming and walking up to the dog then when the dog looked up it leap then a gunshot rattled in my ears. Then everyone started to walk out of their houses and I went out and the dog died fast is what everyone was saying. Then we were told to not go near where the dog is and then the trash man came to get it and then he poured something on the ground and we were told again not to even go near where the dog was for awhile. Then when me and scout finally noticed are dad was a really good shot then scout was like she had to tell everyone but I said no he didn't tell us he doesn't want people to know. Then the day was over and it was time to go to town because I had a lot of money. Me and scout both wanted something from town so we started too town when we had to pass by Ms.Doubose house and she was on her porch. So I said don't be afraid scout but Ms.Doubose did the same thing she always does when we walk by she called as trash like always but this time she was saying how Atticus was a negro lover and I was think about that until we got to the store then I bought my train and scouts twirl. Then we were walking back to are house when we bought what we needed. We passed Ms.Doubose house but this time she wasn’t on the porch so I took scouts almost destroyed twirler and I was cutting down Ms.Doubose plants when I was done I broke scouts twirler and went back told scout to shut up and she didn’t so I pushed her over and she still didn’t so I grabbed her by the hair then started home. Scout looked like I was in peril with everything I had done. When we got home scout was trying everything she could to make me feel better but it was contradict everything I did. When Atticus got home I wished he was inaudible so I didn’t have to listen to him but I was angry so he was inconspicuous. But what I did hear was I had to read to her for one month I thought I was going to die from this. But I went anyway I read to her and she looked out of it at the end. Then she was like that everyday until I noticed it was longer everyday then the month was over and she said one more week and Atticus said ok one more week I was about to hurt him I was so angry. I read to her for the last week then their was a phone call when I was all done and atticus went over and he came back to say Ms. Doubose was died and he said before she died she had this candy box made for me so I opened it and it was a chamomile flower I went berserk thought the box in the fire and went to sleep.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Journal #3- Chapters 8-9 from the perspective of Atticus

I went to the Radley's house to hear the news that Mrs. Radley died of natural causes. When I came back home Jem and Scout asked how she had died. The children were hoping for a different answer than a natural cause and they loooked like they were debating other ways she could have died before I walked in. Scout went to brush her teeth and then she screamed, Atticus help me the world is ending.When I got there I told her it's just snow! I can't remember the last time it snowed. The phone rang and Eula May said, no school today. The last time it snowed was 1885 in Maycomb County. Jem and Scout went outside and I went to work. Hours later, I got a call from the kids saying they had a surprise when I got home. They made a great snowman that looked like Mr. Avery. I told them to disguise it, so he would not get mad.
That night, I woke Scout and Jem up at one o'clock and I tell them to put on their bathrobe and coat. Scout keeps on asking, is it morning. I reply by saying it is not morning. They know something is wrong. We go outside and see the fire at Mrs. Maudie's house. I try to isolate the children to stay in front of the Radley house so they didn't get in the way of the adults, while I go help move furniture from the burning house. When I get back to the kids after the three fire trucks arrive, I notice that the firemen are working hard on the other house on the block. Mrs. Maudie looks like she is moping so I tell the kids not to talk to her. Back in our house I notice that Scout has a blanket and I told you not to move. Scout says that she did not move from the area. . I think Boo Radley entrusted Scout with the blanket. I was perplexed that either Boo or Nathan Radley would protect my children.
Scout came home from school upset that Atticus was defending a negro in court. I am a lawyer that defends all people and everyone deserves a fair trial. I would be embarrassed not to defend a victim that needs my help and who is ingenuous. Scout don't say or do anything with the kids at school. Just keep your mouth shut because a lot of talk will be going on while I am defending a negro in court. I came out on the porch and I saw Francis crying, and my brother Uncle Jack were talking. I tried to find out what is going on . Scout came running to me and I comforted her. This will be a tough time for the family while the trial is on. I was disappointed with what Scout was telling me. I tell her it comes down to the African American man to the Ewell's word.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Journal #2- Chapters 4-7 from the perspective of Dill

When I first got off the train at Maycomb junction my aunt Rachel was there with a cab. Then the cab took us to Aunt Rachel's house I saw scout and Jem they looked like they were waiting for me but I didn't know. Then when I got out of the car they came over and I said I rode the train by myself and my dad was the president of the L&N railroad.
Then we talked about what we wanted to play but I didn't want to play anything they said until scout wanted to roll in a tire. Then Jem argued because he couldn't fit in the tire but scout said you can push so scout started off and then the tire and she fell in the Radley's front yard.So then Calpurnia called out lemonade and we went over and drank 2-3 glasses and Jem said I got a new game. The game was to play Boo Radley. So we played it everyday but one day we were so in to it they we didn't see Atticus and he called us over and asked us what we were playing and Jem said nothing until Atticus left. We knew he could hear us so we stopped playing.

My last night in Maycomb county i was with my aunt at her fish pool. Before i leave i wanted to see Boo Radley so me and Jem were going to the window that was kind of open. so we went underneath the wired fence and a creak came from it so we spit on it and went up to the window but i didn't See anything so i said back window but both of then said no but we went any way so we crawled to the window and saw a man's shadow that had a hat on. but then we went running away when we heard a gunshot and me and scout looked back and Jem wasn't there so we went back to find him caught in the fence. then when he got out we went running to the school oak tree the to deer's pasture and then climbed the back fence to Jem's house and were finally safe.

Then the day was over and I left for home.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Journal #1- Chapters 1-3 from the perspective of Miss Caroline

Starting at Chapter 2
When I first came to the room I looked at my 1st graders and they all stared at me when I was saying I'm from North Alabama. They all in shock because of how different it was to Maycomb County. I began the day reading a story to the class and Scout says she knows how to read so, I have her read,my First Reader and the Mobile Register. I try to have a compromise with Scout by saying her dad will not teach her anymore because I'm the teacher. Scout says my dad didn't teach me he doesn't have time to teach me. Scout tries to persevere with this arguement so I patted her hand with a ruler and made her stay in a corner until the bell rang at noon. When the class comes back from break I find Scout writing a letter and I say, tell your dad to stop teaching you, I'm the teacher. I will teach the class from now on, I say you will print in my class.
I will ask Walter if he had a lunch and he shakes his head and so I pull a quarter out of my purse and say Walter come and grab it and he shakes his head again so I say tomorrow you just pay me back and he still shakes his head. Then scout stands up and makes a speech of how the Cunninghams will not be able to pay her back and I thought she was being meant on Walter so I had Scout come up to the classroom and I patted her hand 6 times with a ruler and the class was laughing so I used intimdation and the class was quiet for the rest of the day then I could finally teah with no interruptions.
Then after the kids come back from lunch I see this thing in my class room I thought it was died until I saw it move it was a child named Burris. I was telling him, he had to go home and bath and he was saying he wasn't going home and then Little Chuck Little said he would hurt him unless he left the school, then he looked scared so I said, sit back down in your sit then all the kids in the class room gave me a malevolent stare and I was irked. Then, Burris called me a slut schoolteacher and he waited until I was crying to leave. Then all the kids in my class room were around me and tried to make me feel better and they asked me to read a story to them so, I blew my nose and started reading until the bell rang.