Sunday, September 14, 2008


Journal Entry

Chapter 2- Shut Up


We had a group meeting and we run up the mountain to start a fire. I just yelled let’s go make a fire and everybody followed me. When we got to the mountain we got as much wood as we could and put it in the pile then we pinch piggy’s glasses to make a fire. We started it and there was no smoke then a fire started and it took hold in the forest. We capering around the fire as we saw the flames rose high into the air. I interrupted the group and induced the littluns to the fire. The littluns were too officious to help me as I was getting logs. Piggy and Ralph martyred when they noticed the kid with the birth mark was gone from the mountain.


Tim said...

I also had jack to yours is a little similar to mine because in mine i included that we did steal piggy's glasses but I don't remeber that Jack was agreeing to make a fire i thought that he was more concentrated on hunting.

Michael said...

1. I like how you even wrote about what you said. I like how you only stayed on one topic, fire. i like how you fit your vocab word into the sentence perfectly.

lindsay m said...
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Ms Collene said...

Dan, your blog looks great but remember you need to make each blog 3 paragraphs long, as well as use the vocabulary words. If you forgot what the words are you can go to my DP and check out some examples.