Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hello America #4

Quote #1 Hello? " My heart beats so loud I can barely hear my own voice." Hello?" pg 165 said by Elli
This is important because it shows she is tired and scared at night. When someone calls her on the phone no one is there and she is scared. This is important because it shows us she is getting kind of scared in America. My connection is sometimes when I'm home alone and the phone rings and I pick it up sometimes nobody is there and I get scared of what happened. Then I kind of not like answer the phone after that until like someone comes home.
Question #1 Has anyone ever called your house and nobody was there and how did you feel after that happened?
Quote #2 " It's nothing short of a miracle!" pg 172 by Aunt Celia
This is a miracle to Elli's mom and aunt because they needed a new place to live because one they didn't have that much room and 2 they needed a better place then were they were living.
Then with a new house comes a new life for Elli and her mom. My connection is that when I moved to San Diego I met new people and came to a new school. Then it gave me a new life and a new place to explore.
Question #2 Have you ever moved to a new place and if you have tell me more about how it was when you came to that new place?


kat said...

Quote #1: I think that you picked a good quote and explained what you thought of this quote. I agree that Elli seemed scared and that it has something to do with her being an immigrant. She must have never been very alone back in her home country and the experience must have been difference.
Question #1: Yes, people have called my house sometimes and when I picked up the phone no one had been there. When that happens I do not feel scared or any other emotions. Usually I just hang up the phone.

Quote #2: I think that it was a miracle too and they were very lucky to get a new living situation. It must have been really squished living with the rest of Elli's family.
Answer #2: I have moved two times in my life so far. The first time was from Washington D.C. to Brazil. when I first came to Brazil I was very interested. I cannot really remember much of how I felt because I was so young, but I really like Brazil and the apartment that we were going to live in. The second time that I moved was from Brazil to San Diego. I was sad to leave Brazil but when I came to San Diego I liked it a lot. It was really nice when I came to San Diego and I moved into to my new home.

Anonymous said...

Quote #1: I like the way that you described this as being Elli's first time being afraid in America. Also the way you connected it to an experience of your own.

Question #1: Yes that has happened to me before. Someone called and it came in as a resrcited number, I answered it and no one was there it definately freaked me out.

Quote #2: This quote really did show how much of a miracle getting something new like that was. Just by reading the qoute and your significance I could feel the emotion behind the quote and how they might have felt when it happened.

Question #2: I have never had to move from a different place but I have had to move schools. Although I still had many of my old friends I made several new ones that I hhave become very close with.