Sunday, May 3, 2009

Journal #1- Chapters 1-3 from the perspective of Miss Caroline

Starting at Chapter 2
When I first came to the room I looked at my 1st graders and they all stared at me when I was saying I'm from North Alabama. They all in shock because of how different it was to Maycomb County. I began the day reading a story to the class and Scout says she knows how to read so, I have her read,my First Reader and the Mobile Register. I try to have a compromise with Scout by saying her dad will not teach her anymore because I'm the teacher. Scout says my dad didn't teach me he doesn't have time to teach me. Scout tries to persevere with this arguement so I patted her hand with a ruler and made her stay in a corner until the bell rang at noon. When the class comes back from break I find Scout writing a letter and I say, tell your dad to stop teaching you, I'm the teacher. I will teach the class from now on, I say you will print in my class.
I will ask Walter if he had a lunch and he shakes his head and so I pull a quarter out of my purse and say Walter come and grab it and he shakes his head again so I say tomorrow you just pay me back and he still shakes his head. Then scout stands up and makes a speech of how the Cunninghams will not be able to pay her back and I thought she was being meant on Walter so I had Scout come up to the classroom and I patted her hand 6 times with a ruler and the class was laughing so I used intimdation and the class was quiet for the rest of the day then I could finally teah with no interruptions.
Then after the kids come back from lunch I see this thing in my class room I thought it was died until I saw it move it was a child named Burris. I was telling him, he had to go home and bath and he was saying he wasn't going home and then Little Chuck Little said he would hurt him unless he left the school, then he looked scared so I said, sit back down in your sit then all the kids in the class room gave me a malevolent stare and I was irked. Then, Burris called me a slut schoolteacher and he waited until I was crying to leave. Then all the kids in my class room were around me and tried to make me feel better and they asked me to read a story to them so, I blew my nose and started reading until the bell rang.


Grace said...
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Grace said...

I liked how you used fine details from the book, I can tell you reviewed it/remembered it clearly. I liked how you used the vocabulary words into the way she saw things and I liked how you told some background by restating she was from the North of Alabama.
Good job on showing the different characters views as well.
-Grace (Camille and I are your partners)

Camille said...

I like your stlye of writing especially when you went into detail of specific events. One of these included Miss Caroline and Scout's argument because most of your blog post is about this part of the chapter. I think you portayed Miss Caroline's character well because I can tell that she does not hate Scout but is annoyed by her. I also like how you show that Miss Caroline obviously has a lot of confidence in herself.